Hari ini saya cukup bahagia Setelah jagoan saya Judika kalah sama Mike di Indonesian Idol 2, meriang gak sembuh-sembuh, harga minyak mentah naik terus, Indonesia diprediksi kehabisan cadangan minyaknya di tahun 15 tahun lagi dan ekonom menyebutkan kalau ekonomi Indonesia
Dumbledore’s Pensieve
If you read Harry Potter books, you shoud be familiar with the Pensieve. This stone basin apparatus, covered in mystic runes, with a fluid or gas within, made its first appearance in Book 4 when Harry was waiting at Dumbledore’s
The scandalous fitting rooms
Even though distro t-shirt has become the latest hip, I rarely find good distro t-shirts. Even at good distros. Some of you might blame my taste for underground designs, but it is infact not about the design. Most of distro
‘Ganyang Malaysia’: The Narrow Minded Chauvinists
If you have skipped the news in the past few days, you must have missed that Malaysia has been invading Indonesian island in Ambalat Bay which is followed by newspaper and TV news reporting the tension every hour and followed
The poor computers
This thing works 24 hours per day unpaid, has to deal with several tasks at the same time and a subject of domestic violence. No, I’m not talking about housewives. I’m talking about computers. Last weekend, I went to this
Preacher don’t preach la la la!
What does a preacher, marketing representative and software demo guy have in common? They tend to deviate truths to make their speech sounds interesting. Marketing reps and demo guy, I can understand, but preachers? You guys should be a saint,
Whoever invented Giordano marketing strategy needs a swift kick on the ballz.
Sultan HB X
To be honest, I’m impressed how Yogyakarta’s Governor, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono 10th performs lately. I’m not a big fan of his, but his recent moves shows a bold direction where our crowded dan human-resource-rich province is heading, namely with the
Light up your face with gladness, hide every trace of sadness
There are certain songs that made you cry, even though you feel completely ok. Same thing happens to me the other day. I was listening to this song called Smile which was sung by Michael Jackson (ok get rid of