Computer/Human Interaction (CS 5340)

Graduate course – Spring 2024
Covers the principles of human-computer interaction and the design and evaluation of user interfaces. Topics include an overview of human information processing subsystems (perception, memory, attention, and problem solving); how the properties of these systems affect the design of user interfaces; the principles, guidelines, and specification languages for designing good user interfaces; and a variety of evaluation methodologies that can be used to measure the usability of software.

Parts of this course’s content are based on materials by Andrea G. Parker, Alexandra To, Krzysztof Gajos, and Elena Glassman. The course reading list can be found here.

Society, Behavior, and Health (PHTH 6204)

Graduate course – Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023
Explores individual, interpersonal, and social influences on health. Students will learn the application of the social and behavioral sciences in Public Health. Foundations of public health will be examined, including prevention and the prevention paradox, theories of disease causation, and public health ethics. In addition, multi-level influences on health will be examined, including behavioral theories and social determinants of health. Throughout the semester, attention will be paid to disparities in health. Finally, we will examine strategies to reduce health disparities, such as education, interventions, and policy-level changes, and discuss the relative effectiveness of these approaches.

Guest Lectures

  • AI for Social Impact, Harvard University (CS 288, Fall 2022, Graduate)
  • User-Centered Design of Digital Health Tools, Yale University (BIS/SBS 640, Spring 2022, Graduate)
  • Design of Useful and Usable Interactive Systems, Harvard University (CS 179, Spring 2021, Undergraduate)