Tadi, di Plaza Ambarrukmo, saya menemukan sebuah sudut yang sebelumnya belum disewa, sekarang sudah ditutup rapat. Saya penasaran, lokasi strategis itu disewa siapa, sehingga saya memberanikan diri untuk bertanya kepada mbak resepsionis yang cantik: Saya Mbak! sudut di dekat pintu
Jeans Distressed
Pengalaman pertama membeli kaos di Guess, mas penjaga toko bilang: “Cuma kaos mas? Nggak nambah lagi? Nanti bisa dapat gift voucher Rp 250.000 lho” “Saya harus nambah berapa?” “Mmmm, belanja minimal 1,5 juta” Hohohoho, kok banyak? Sempat kepikiran… 1,5 juta
Plaza Ambarrukmo
Setelah mengalami masalah perijinan dan pembukaannya ditunda-tunda, akhirnya Plaza Ambarrukmo dibuka pertama kali untuk masyarakat Jogja tanggal 5 Maret kemarin. Berbeda dengan rencana semula, acara tanggal 5 Maret ini bukan soft-opening, melainkan hanya pre-opening untuk memfasilitasi anchor tennant Carrefour—perusahaan ritel
Mall kelas tinggi Jakarta
Kalau tidak terjadi inflasi 80% atau kerusuhan nasional, bulan April depan, pertokoan baru Senayan City akan menghembuskan nafas pertamanya di industri ritel Indonesia. Kompleks perkantoran, apartemen, hotel dan mal yang dikembangkan oleh Grup Agung Podomoro ini akan bersaing dengan mal-mal
The scandalous fitting rooms
Even though distro t-shirt has become the latest hip, I rarely find good distro t-shirts. Even at good distros. Some of you might blame my taste for underground designs, but it is infact not about the design. Most of distro
Quo vadis consumerism?
The urban culture is noted for its consumerism. But is it that bad? Yes it makes people buy thing even though they might not need it and makes people work harder than they should be. Extreme consumerism often leads to
Giordano’s obnoxious clerks
I hate Giordano’s chain store. I really do. Why? Because their sales clerks are very obnoxious. I mean, really obnoxious. They are making Planet Surf’s clerks looking like a stiff mannequin. First, they will always refer you as ‘kak’ (means
Finding Shoes
My old Converse keeps looking more and more dreadful. So I seriosly need a new pair of shoes. After travelling to Semarang to find a good pair of shoes and returned empty handed, I made a bold decision: I will
Nike Embargo?
You might not notice this until you are going to buy a pair of shoes. Since my old Converse starts tearing down, I decided to buy a new pair of shoes. Frankly, after hopping from one shoes store to other
Whoever invented Giordano marketing strategy needs a swift kick on the ballz.