I hate Giordano’s chain store. I really do. Why? Because their sales clerks are very obnoxious. I mean, really obnoxious. They are making Planet Surf’s clerks looking like a stiff mannequin.

First, they will always refer you as ‘kak’ (means brother or sister in Indonesian). Maybe I should remind them that nobody has been using that word centuries ago! Not only I feel alienated every time they call me ‘kak’, but it also makes me feel weird and uncool.

Secondly, they will force you to try on their garments like a mad Amway salesperson. If you eventually decided to try it and decided not to like it, they will offer you other models. And it will go on and on and on and on.

So I you are a Giordano newbie, I share a few tips on: How to avoid and escape from Giordano’s clerks

  1. The ground rule: Don’t go to Giordano if you are not going to buy anything.
  2. Avoid any eye-contact with any Giordano clerk. Some of them are cute, but in the inside they are eeeevil. Once you are making eye-contact with them, they will start forcing you to go inside their stores, forcing you to try on their product and eventually forcing you to buy it. So everytime you saw a Giordano store, look away and pretend it doesn’t exist.
  3. Just say no to Giordano clerks. These critters are going to use any possible argument to make you buy their products. Imagine one of those Amway nut but far more attractive and fashionable. It’s a lot easier to say ‘No’ to those clerks.
  4. If they asked you why you said ‘no’, answer them with: ‘Because you are ugly!,’ or ‘Because you’re not a virgin!,’ or ‘Because I slept with your mom!’
  5. For the last resort: RUN!
Giordano’s obnoxious clerks
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8 thoughts on “Giordano’s obnoxious clerks

  • February 11, 2005 at 11:25 am

    Iya, jadi males kesana. mas topan sendiri kok akhirnya beli kaos Giordano kenapa?

  • February 11, 2005 at 11:38 am

    momon: Iya, jadi males kesana. mas topan sendiri kok akhirnya beli kaos Giordano kenapa?

    toni: lo ,mon, bukankah itu udah terjawab dgn sendirinya. yaitu karena produknya (lumayan) bagus2 .. ndak tau produk yang mana .. yang nawarin ato yang ditawarin :p

    Hehehe, klo spit on the clerks (hmm, vocabnya mmg clerks ya .. bukan shop keeper atau apa gitu?) .. tolong difoto ya? aku pgn lat reaksinya (saat menampar mukamu :p)

  • February 11, 2005 at 11:55 am

    Hehehe, klo spit on the clerks (hmm, vocabnya mmg clerks ya .. bukan shop keeper atau apa gitu?) .. tolong difoto ya? aku pgn lat reaksinya (saat menampar mukamu :p)
    Hehehehehe. Tentang vocab clerk, aku juga gak begitu ngeh, tapi itu yang paling pas sptnya. Tentang spit on the clerks, aku juga bingung kok bisa-bisanya aku mikir gitu, waktu itu ngantuk pa ya? Skrg udah diganti kok biar lebih sopan.

  • February 12, 2005 at 1:15 pm

    Momon :
    Iya, jadi males kesana. mas topan sendiri kok akhirnya beli kaos Giordano kenapa?

    Iya, Mon. Soalnya sebagian besar kaos Giordanoku belinya pas di Singapore (yg pertama kali). :D
    Sama menyebalkannya sih tapi :)) tapi kan pake bhs Singlish

    sayur online Jogja dan buah online Jogja

  • February 13, 2005 at 5:12 pm

    Nice tips you got there, buddy…
    ini Giordano yang dimana…??

  • February 14, 2005 at 8:21 am

    Hehehehe, belinya di s’pore ya? Aku juga beli sabuk di Giordano s’pore, dan mrk sama aja, suka maksa (calon) pembelinya, tapikalo di singapur sih semua pelayan toko proaktif dengan pembeli sih, jadi ya rasanya normal.

    Semua Giordano begitu. Tpai pengalaman paling parah di Giordano Galeria.

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