Sepertinya sangat salah mengharapkan Transformers bisa seru dan ‘dalem’ seperti Spiderman 2. Atau actionnya lucu dan rumit seperti Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Seperti para kritikus film di Rottentomatoes bilang, film ini norak, tapi norak yang sangat seru.

Akan tetapi, film laga yang seru pun harus memiliki storyline yang baik dan karakter yang menarik. Dua ini, bagi saya, Transformers masih lemah.

Masih ingat konsep three-act plot? Dalam film besutan Michael Bay ini, act pertama cukup layak tonton, walaupun cenderung cheesy dengan stereotip khas Hollywood: anak yang nggak gaul, ketemu cewek cantik yang sudah lama dia taksir, lalu ketemu ‘guardian’ yang membantu si anak menemukan jati dirinya. Act kedua isinya tembak-tembakan dan kejar-kejaran yang tidak imajinatif; dan act ketiga isinya tembak-tembakan dan kejar-kejaran yang tidak imajinatif. Plis deh kalau kritikus bilang animasinya bagus. Untuk ukuran tahun 2007, animasi semacam Transformers terlalu biasa.

Memang ada beberapa film yang plotnya hambar tapi bisa meraih sukses karena karakter tokoh-tokoh-nya menawan. Nah Transformers ini punya banyak tokoh, tapi kesemuanya tidak dieksplorasi dengan matang. Sangat sulit untuk merasa senang dengan tokoh protagonisnya dan membenci tokoh antagonisnya. Saya tidak peduli kalau misalnya si prajurit yang punya anak bayi harus mati, atau Megatron (musuh) akhirnya menang. Tidak ada bedanya, karena tokoh-tokohnya miskin karakter (kecuali Bumblebee).

Akan sangat memalukan bila film semacam ini menjadi benchmark film bagus untuk summer tahun ini. Setelah apa yang dilakukan Spiderman dan Pirates yang membuka jalan bagi film laga yang intelek; Transformers justru menutup jalan itu rapat-rapat.

Atau mungkin trend film berjalan mundur? Saya harap film paling hebat 77 tahun ke depan tidak seperti Citizen Kane.

Transformers The Sucky
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75 thoughts on “Transformers The Sucky

  • July 5, 2007 at 2:21 am

    I agreed.

    We discussed this before you post your blog.

    I think you stole my thoughts. :P

  • July 5, 2007 at 2:32 am

    No I did not stole your thoughts. I was pinpointing all this flaws during the screening. Yes, I was bored from act two all the way to the end credits.

  • July 5, 2007 at 3:22 am

    Itulah “hebatnya” marketing :D
    Aku ngeliatnya justru kemunduran eksplorasi Michael Bay. Sejak Armageddon, trendnya melemah :(

  • July 5, 2007 at 7:44 am

    dari jaman film kartunnya sering diputer di TV saya ngefans sama transformers, saya nggak peduli ceritanya, saya cuma suka sama robot2nya yang menurut saya sangat imajinatif, saya juga punya koleksi eksyen figurnya…hehehehehe…

  • July 5, 2007 at 8:45 am

    What are you talking about? This movie is great, thumbs up! If you watch the cartoon back then (perhaps you haven’t been born yet back then?) it’s awesome, it brings back some memory, nice one

  • July 5, 2007 at 8:56 am

    IMHO, the movie was great. Ya, memang lack of storyline sih, tapi tertolong CGI yg oke.

    Btw, yg gw bingung pas klimaks cerita.. kan mestinya cube-nya dimasukkan ke dada optimus prime ya ? Kok malah dimasukin ke dada megatron ya ?

    *mr Bay.. piye toh ?*

  • July 5, 2007 at 9:13 am

    Mas Jie, kalau ngomongin spoiler dikasih warning dong mas. Kasian yang belum nonton. :D

    I still stand on my opinion that the SFX and the CGI is dull. It looks good alright, but it doesnt break a new ground. We have seen better SFX, with realistic and well choregraphed animation.

    Perhaps people were praising it because it looks like CGI. Well, a good CGI is the one that doesnt look like CGI. This is what POTC At World’s End trumps.

  • July 5, 2007 at 11:09 am

    havent watch it yet, so yes, this is a perfunctory comment :)

  • July 5, 2007 at 11:32 am

    That’s also my bigeest jackpot question. Plus: “That’s it?”

    CG is good allright, not to meantion that they’ve been preparing since 2006 with real autoparts ( Somehow this Hollywood approach doesn’t seem right to me. It reminds me of the outer space pencil story involving Russian and Americans space engineers. Which then, tickles me on what kinda approach would the Nihon/Japanese take to make a similar movie.

    You nail my head with the “char wasn’t deep enough”. Remember my factoids? I can’t even remember the main actor’s name :p

    Oh no, both of you are biased for reading my review :p

  • July 5, 2007 at 12:03 pm

    hehey….saya belom nonton, jadi belom bisa ikut mencak2 kalo pelm nya jelek…

    jelek ya ?
    miskin karakter?

  • July 5, 2007 at 12:24 pm

    Blom nonton. Akhir2 ini memang jarang nonton film sih, huahahahaha…. lol. Tapi memang kalo transformers aku nggak begitu tertarik untuk nonton. Marketing-nya nggak “kena” aku, ha3… :)

    Btw, itu tulisan di atas gambar utama yang bunyinya: “Their War, Our World” koq sangat mirip sekali sama ‘slogan’nya AVP (Alien Versus Predator) yah??? ngopi (nyontek) ato kebetulan doank??

  • July 5, 2007 at 1:19 pm

    wah kl saya dan kebanyakan teman sih suka film ini karena satu hal: nostalgia :)

    setuju ceritanya jelek, kl yang tidak sama sekali ttg transformer pasti bakal bingung, wong setelah 1jam baru diceritain origin dr cybertron, itu jg cuma sekilas

    humornya lucu, cuman kebanyakan dan ga penting

    oh ya, terlalu ‘menjual’ tubuh mikaela hi hi … (kl yg ini sebagian besar co kayanya fine2 aja ya :p)

  • July 5, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Actually (with all due respect to Transformers fans) not just the movie, but character exploration on this specific line is not good.

    I’ve read the Movie Prequel/Adaptation comics, and it’s more skimming graphics than reading. That should tell couple of things.

    Still, the best time I had in a cinema in a long time. Mike, roll out. :D

  • July 5, 2007 at 2:09 pm

    saya mungkin penggemar transformer paling berat diantara pengunjung blog ini (sampai pernah bikin bangkrut orang tua gara2 kuselalu minta dibelikan mainan transformer), tapi harus kuakui film transformers kemarin sangat mengecewakan. terutama dari segi cerita terlalu sepele, gak mutu. kedua, dan tdk kalah fatal adalah megatron kok malah dibuat = pesawat??? harusnya kan pistol. Dan seingatku tembakan standar para transformers adalah laser ya? lalu, autobotsnya terlampau sedikit (cuma 5??) Container/box nya optimus prime ga ada, lalu lagu trademark nya tak berbekas sama sekali di sini, simbol decepticonsnya tdk dimunculkan. oh iya, suara mereka waktu nge-hack jaringan komputer itu kan harusnya jadi suara ketika transform… sdgkan suara transform nya terdengar hambar walaupun realistis… Yang kusuka dari film ini adalah adegan kejar2an di jalan raya dan suara robotnya sangat keren. dan visual effectnya tentu, sangat3x keren.

  • July 5, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    *posternya keren kok… :p

    havent seen the film yet…
    this review makes me rethink about watching at blitz, is it worth enough to go to movie theatre for ‘crunchy’ movie? i’d rather wait for the ‘pirates’ provide me with the DVD :p

    atau sepertinya cukup nonton di setiabudi building saja untuk film2 yang gak terlalu bagus, (padahal gw berharap film ini bagus hiks hiks)

    next, Die Hard 4.0

  • July 5, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    Critics put it at around 50%.. but user rating is still at 83%.

    Movie critics are unhappy people.

    Film Industry would’ve folded long time ago if not for the common people.

  • July 5, 2007 at 5:51 pm

    Transformer fans are unhappy people, they wont let other people not liking their favorite movie.

    “Film Industry would’ve folded long time ago if not for the common people.”

    On the contrary. The movie industry would be severaly damaged by constant flow of bad movies if common people keep watching crappy movies and let it’s box office soar.

  • July 5, 2007 at 6:17 pm

    sabar aja.. kan masih ada ratatouille.. :-p

  • July 5, 2007 at 11:45 pm

    gak tertarik at all pilem2x ginian. spiderman2 aja menurutku agak boring. apalagi awal2xnya.

    PS : karena pilem hollywood, jadi hrs bhs sono neh ? *yawn…

  • July 6, 2007 at 10:12 am

    nonton transformer motifnya sama dengan nonton TMNT… nostalgia dan menyaksikan bagaimana tontonon masa kecil diterjemahkan ke teknologi masa kini… buat gw, tontonan terbaik tahun ini masih 300.. the best comic to movie adaptation!! setia bgt dengan panel2 komik2nya, bahkan dialognya sekalipun..

  • July 6, 2007 at 10:16 am

    Iya menurutku 300 jauh lebih bagus daripada Transformers dari segi action, karena penyajiannya lebih kreatif dan koreografinya (fightscene dan kamera) lebih menarik.

  • July 6, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    Kalo aku sih bener2 terpesona sama film ini (sampe ntn 2x :P ). Mungkin karena SFXnya keren, durasinya panjang, adegan gelutnya banyak and so on. Mungkin itu juga yang dicari penonton2 film superhero kebanyakan.

  • July 6, 2007 at 10:52 pm

    Did u guys ever made a drill of the directors or moviemakers’ mind before putting on a comment?

    Transformers is supposed to be like that (things that you called as “bad storyline”, “bad character development”). Bay just wanted to make a light movie that will make u stand up with the effects. That’s all. And he did it, by all means. So why fuzz in the developments of the character? This is not a heavy movie like Schindler’s List or Pursuit of Happyness.

    At least learn some facts before resting your fingers on the keyboard.

    Nope, nope, nope, this is the best CGI ever…. 38 hours of rendering per frame, Lucas Art’s Industrial Light&Magic put a big time work for this. Six months of animation works is fabulous.. They made sure there is no flaw during the transformation or robot interactions… Even a turn of a wrist needs many moving pieces.. And Ironhide’s hand-canon used 10,000.

    Now, have u seen better CGI exploitation? I don’t think so. Sir, this is the best CGI ever. U said it looks like CGI because u’ve never watched gigantic robots walking on ur yard. But people’ve seen maelstroms. POTC is what I say inserted too much things inside one movie.. and ridiculous humour. Wha…? Proposing in a middle of a sea-battle? WTF? There’s too much plot twist inside one movie… And they overdid it, in a bad way. Spider-Man 2 is not that good either..

    Oh please, Magetron as a Cybertronian jet was on the comic… If you really are the fan of Transformers, Irfan. Bay wanted this movie to be realistic in mechanism.. So he used Megatron’s alternative form.

    300 is superb, I agree.

    Mmm.. I’m not a transformers fan, but I learned the history recently because I was stunned of the fabulous graphics.

    I agree with Tia.
    To mr. hermansaksono, please… people are selective. They are not stupid. U know why Ghost Rider didn’t make it.

  • July 6, 2007 at 10:56 pm

    Aw, cut all this craps, gentlemen!
    Let the market and the people prove who’s right. Just leave the critics criticizing everything without making a good change. That’s all they can do. Waiting until a good one emerge.

  • July 7, 2007 at 1:16 am

    Bekelahinya pasti tambah seru kalau slowmotion-nya diperbanyak. I can’t see the robot in detail! Suck!

    “It’s just me, Prime!” :P

  • July 7, 2007 at 8:34 am

    I think you guys put an extremely low standard for this movie. Even a popcorn flicks should have a decent story and interesting character. Without those two, Transformers will be one of those action movie that will be easily forgotten.

    Do you know what people say during the early days CGI character animation? “Those characters movement is too mechanical. Looks like robots…”

    Isn’t it obvious that robots is probably the easiest thing to make in CGI? It is also easier to model a robot than an organic chacter. Uh, not to mention that non-organic surface is a lot easier to make. What you people see in transformers is basically an old technolgy used uncreatively. Fight on a maelstrom and octopus legs, on the other hand is new.

    I think Transformers is on the same league as Ghost Rider. Its more popular because it has wider fanbase.

  • July 7, 2007 at 8:48 am

    Just leave the critics criticizing everything without making a good change. That’s all they can do.

    I think you are just bitter

  • July 7, 2007 at 11:28 am

    hm… seperti itu ya…

    transformer movie yang versi anime gak ada ya?

  • July 7, 2007 at 12:09 pm

    jeleknya transformers:

    – minim character development, terutama buat yang baru tahu transformers. apalagi untuk tokoh jahatnya.
    – minimnya character development gak gitu masalah kalo gak melenceng dari cerita aslinya, tapi Transformers agak melenceng dari cerita aslinya
    – semua transformation dilakukan terlalu cepat, terkesan untuk nutupin kelemahan CGI-nya. jadinya kita fans transformers gak bisa nikmatin proses transformasi-nya
    – semuanya terlalu cepat (ini trademarknya michael bay), di akhir cerita kalo kurang teliti kita gak tau siapa yang lagi berantem vs siapa. dan siapa yang baik dan siapa yang jahat.

    tapi transformers bukan film jelek kok. asal jangan terlalu gede ekspektasinya.

  • July 7, 2007 at 1:18 pm

    transformer menurutku biasa aja klo dibandingkan 300 ama pirates 1,2,3

    aku malah ga tau kartunnya kayak apa, cuma inget kata-kata megatron. itu juga karena saya punya kakak laki2(kok jadi curhat?)

    yup klo orang bilang bagus karena alasan nostalgia, berarti dasar penilaiannya kurang objektif dong…

  • July 7, 2007 at 2:17 pm

    transformer luar biasa!

    jangan disamakan dengan film kayak 300..yg genre film dewasa

    berpikir kayak kita waktu kecil kemudian digambarkan dlm betuk real life, kejadiannya luar biasa ah menurutku.

    yang penting imajinasi yg bermain, ketika imajinasi dibunuh dunia blm tentu ada.

  • July 7, 2007 at 3:51 pm

    Di metacritics cuma dapet 61,Pirates 3 50…ya…cuma beda selera aja..heee

  • July 8, 2007 at 1:17 am

    yang penting imajinasi yg bermain, ketika imajinasi dibunuh dunia blm tentu ada

    Waduh repot mas Dean. Kalau penonton diharuskan menggunakan imajinasinya ketika nonton film, lantas apa bedanya dengan baca buku. Setahu saya film itu adalah medium hiburan yang paling tidak membutuhkan imajinasi.

    Mungkin yang dimaksud adalah suspension of disbelief. Contohnya, dalam sejumlah B-Movie dan telenovela, penonton memang harus mengabaikan ketidakwajaran-ketidakwajaran yang ada agar bisa menikmati sebuah film. Tapi masak sih Transformers mau disandingkan dengan B-Movie.

  • July 8, 2007 at 1:36 am

    The Goeh:
    Di metacritics cuma dapet 61,
    Pirates-3 50…ya…cuma beda selera aja..heee

    Eh, tapi kritik para kritikus di metacritic mirip-mirip dengan keluhan saya di atas lho :D

  • July 8, 2007 at 10:05 am

    wah bukan pakar animasi nih, tapi setau saya bikin hard surface kayak gitu emang ada tantangan tersendiri apalagi dengan pergerakan serumit itu… jadi tiap film ada tantangannya…

    Di 300 tantangannya adalah membuat 300 org dari beberapa puluh org doang… n they did it… Di pirates dgn efek alam yang menakjubkan… n di transformers dgn mekanika super rumit itu..

    ah, sudahlah.. tapi transformers berhasil bikin saya terlonjak dari kursi kok n membuat saya berteriak “wow!” seperti yg dibilang anonymous.

  • July 8, 2007 at 5:26 pm

    g juga suka banget dari jaman kartun sampe sekarang ada filmya, pas nonton melongo teyus.

    Frenzynya itu jaman dulu BoomBox masih ndut sekarang udah bagusan BoomBoxnya si Frenzynya ceking gitu kek ikan teri hihihihi….

    *met kenal yah!

  • July 8, 2007 at 10:26 pm

    saya suka Transformers, minus manusianya, tapi.

  • July 9, 2007 at 1:06 am

    maaf numpang komen..

    about transformers :
    gue sbnrnya tmsuk yang suka ma film ini.. jarang” gue suka film sjenis ini krn gue mang ga hobi film pnuh kekerasan.. jd mgkin itu jga yg bikin gue bsa suka film ini krn sdikit lbh bersahabat yah filmnya.. tp itu jga yg mgkin bikin kcewa pgemar berat transformers yg punya ekspektasi lbh ma film ini..

    about this blog : mnghibur..
    salam knal ya.. goodluck!

  • July 9, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    komentar semua orang benar,semua punya kacamata sendiri2

  • July 9, 2007 at 10:52 pm

    Ada yang bilang, kalo mau menyukai Transformers, kita harus membaca dan mengetahui tentang film ini terlebih dahulu, baru kita bisa paham karakter dan ceritanya.

    Kok susah ya?

    Perasaan, film serumit Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, tidak perlu begitu. Padahal saya belum nonton yang pertama. Tapi saya sudah bisa memahami karakter masing2 tokoh, begitu pula dengan ceritanya.

    Apakah film yang dianggap bagus itu adalah film yang mengharuskan kita mengumpulkan semua info mengenai cerita film tersebut, lalu kita menontonnya, baru kita memahaminya?

  • July 10, 2007 at 1:06 pm

    spiderman, pirates, 300, transformers.semuanya genrenya beda.
    gue rasa klo transformers karena segmen pasarnya hanya fans dan anak kecil jadi wajar2 aja klo ceritanya ga dalem…bedalah sama 300 yang jelas2 adaptasi dari versi frank miller yang menurut gue sangat dewasa sekali dan very2 dark. yah sama aja lah kaya eragorn…naga sebagus itu disandingkan sama karakter utama yang bapuk

  • July 10, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Herman Saksono :
    Mungkin yang dimaksud adalah suspension of disbelief. Contohnya, dalam sejumlah B-Movie dan telenovela, penonton memang harus mengabaikan ketidakwajaran-ketidakwajaran yang ada agar bisa menikmati sebuah film. Tapi masak sih Transformers mau disandingkan dengan B-Movie.

    menurut saya bukan mengabaikan ketidakwajaran Mas. setahu saya memang untuk menikmati sebuah film ber-genre Sci-fi harus tetap mengandalkan imajinasi seperti Spiderman pun gak mungkin membayangkan kekuatan jaring laba laba seperti itu plus bisa diatur tingkat kelengketannya (ck ck ck imposible) tapi itu dapat diabaikan dengan mudah oleh para penggemarnya sama dengan disini para penggemar Transformer punya dunia sendiri untuk menghidupkan imajinasi mereka yang mungkin sulit untuk penikmat awam. Yaa kalo dibilang storyline dan Character development gak bagus saya setuju tapi untuk saya pribadi ingin melihat perbedaan tampang Optimus dan teman2 dengan di film kartunnya dan satu lagi kayaknya Special Effect buatan ILM gak perlu diragukan kerennya mereka pasti sudah riset tentang semuanya dong termasuk bagaimana jadinya kalo robot2 segede itu berkeliaran ditengah kota.

  • July 10, 2007 at 6:01 pm

    Ya ya ya betul. Spiderman dan Pirates memiliki beberapa hole yang mengurangi suspension of disbelief. :)

    Tapi saya tidak pernah mempermasalahkan isu suspension of disbelief dalam film Transformers. Saya bisa kok menerima robot raksasa yang berjalan-jalan di kebun.

    Sebetulnya keluhan saya itu cuma 3: script yang lemah, minim character development, dan SFX yang biasa-biasa aja.

    Iya SFX-nya tidak inovatif. Dari segi kualitas memang bagus banget, tapi tidak ada yang istimewa, baik dari sudut artistik maupun dari sudut teknis.

    Sekali-sekali ILM tidak inovatif nggak papa kan?

    • December 9, 2012 at 3:48 am

      cnta kdang mnyakitkan kdang jga myennangkan dmi cnta kta lbih bsa rela brkorban hnya demi cnta kta lbih bsa rela brkorban mlihat org yg kta cntai bhagia dngan org lain itu sdah lbih ckup wlaupun hti kta sngat sakit; WEE LOVERS CENGOZ VISMOXER

  • July 10, 2007 at 8:48 pm

    To Anonymous,

    1. Did u guys ever made a drill of the directors or moviemakers’ mind before putting on a comment?
    ===> NO. Never. Should I? I think I dont have to be a director if I want to speak up my mind and put some comments on public about how great or bad that movie was.

    2. Transformers is supposed to be like that (things that you called as “bad storyline”, “bad character development”). Bay just wanted to make a light movie that will make u stand up with the effects. That’s all. And he did it, by all means. So why fuzz in the developments of the character? This is not a heavy movie like Schindler’s List or Pursuit of Happy\ness.
    ===> I know this movie is not a heavy movie. But every movie supposed to entertain me! For me, Toy Story did it. Is that a heavy movie? No it is not. But it have all the characters development well done (I can feel the emotion of the character) and it bring a new fresh story for us. So I enjoy the movie. Not like Transformers. I even dont remember the name of the robots except Bumblebee and Megatron and I even dont care if Bumblebee died or Megatron win, cuz I cant feel the emotion inside the characters. The storyline is just the same as the character. It just a typical of an American movie (that doesnt mean Im racist or what. If I do, I could hate Toy Story tho). It doesnt bring a new fresh story for us. Again and again, the story is about a loser -who love the most beautiful girl in his school– found something that makes him have to save the world, and he did it, and then the girl likes him, and the end. Well, I can guess the storyline without following until the end of the movie. That is why think Transformers is boring, because it has a bad character development and a dull storyline. By the way… Bay doesnt make me stand up for the effects tho.

    3. At least learn some facts before resting your fingers on the keyboard.
    ===> I know that. You dont have to tell me. I think people who read my thoughts will understand, Im not just arguing without facts.

    4. Nope, nope, nope, this is the best CGI ever…. 38 hours of rendering per frame, Lucas Art’s Industrial Light&Magic put a big time work for this. Six months of animation works is fabulous.. They made sure there is no flaw during the transformation or robot interactions… Even a turn of a wrist needs many moving pieces.. And Ironhide’s hand-canon used 10,000.
    ===> No, no, no, we dont measure a movie quality by how difficult it is to make, but how the end result is like!

    5. Now, have u seen better CGI exploitation?
    ===> Yes. Few years earlier than Transformers.

    6. U said it looks like CGI because u’ve never watched gigantic robots walking on ur yard.
    ===> Exactly, nobody have everseen any gigantic robot on their yard. Therefore it is easier to animate, because there are no real life counterpart to compare to. For example, nobody everseen any alien, so it is easier for an animator to animate an alien. They can animate an alien as weird as they want to, without worrying if it doesnt look like the real one. Different in animating an animal. Everyone have everseen an animal, so its hard to animate it because theres an animal in the real life to compare too.

    7. But people’ve seen maelstroms. POTC is what I say inserted too much things inside one movie.. and ridiculous humour. Wha…? Proposing in a middle of a sea-battle? WTF? There’s too much plot twist inside one movie… And they overdid it, in a bad way
    ===> Yea I ever seen a maelstoms, and I think POTC done it well. Ridiculous humor? For me, its entertaining! Too many things inside one movie? This movie is very complex, so maybe the Transformers’ Fan are having a hard time understanding it. Haha. Sorry for the personal attack. But you did it first.

    So… I still stand on my argument. I think Transformers sucks.

  • July 10, 2007 at 11:02 pm

    aku malam ini habis pulang nonton Transformer, dan 100% setuju ama pendapat mas Herman, sampe di tengah movie aku tinggal keluar studio buat makan, hehehe, tapi aku nonton juga gara gara kata beberapa temen film ini bagus banget, and i appreciate their opinions, masing2 orang punya selera mereka sendiri sendiri …

  • July 11, 2007 at 2:33 pm

    transformers???bagus kok filmnya, g suka……g juga suka yang kartunnya……apa pun kata orang g tetep suka film ini…coooollll……(meskipun waktu tarung antara autobots dan decepticon jadi bingung gimana tarungnya, heheheh….:D)

  • July 11, 2007 at 3:03 pm

    Yah.. begitulah…. Yang mana yg benar yg mana yang salah ga ada… Semua benar n semua salah…

    Tapi buat yg merasa SFX transformers jelek, gw ga terima…. mungkin bagi org awam sulit membedakan efek yg baik n jelek ya…. dan bagi mas/mbak anonymous yg menjelaskan hard surface itu ada tantangannya, emang benar…. Transformers membuka gebrakan baru dalam dunia animasi, baik SFX maupun animation modellingnya…. Jadi menurut saya, Transformers tetap punya SFX dan character animation terbaik…

    Selera masing2 emang beda… Tapi kalo fakta tak bisa diubah.. Story Transformers emang udah dari kartunnya begitu… jelek.. karena emang buat anak kecil… Fakta kalo animasi dan special effects Transformers adalah yg terbaik saat ini emang ga perlu diragukan lagi… n kacamata seorang animator yg tahu.

  • July 11, 2007 at 3:10 pm

    ngg? transformers jelek?? ga kok….. ratingnya menurut para kritikus lebih tinggi malah dibanding Pirates yg disanjung-sanjung di blog ini… N rating para audiens juga… lebih tinggi ke transformers..

    Tapi pendapat org ya pendapat org.. Mana bisa diubah…


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