When you need a good laugh and a blunter logic (and bored with roysuryowatch.com) you should visit the Flat Earth Society. And don’t forget to check out their arguments why the earth isn’t round. I guarantee this will challenge your belief to a higher level.
But really, this website is hillarius. It says that they hired schoolteachers to spread their propaganda:
In the small town of Grass Roots, MO, one of our members has successfully infiltrated the public education system. By being hired on as a teacher in the district, he was able to gain a foothold that has allowed us to “replace” nearly every lower grade teacher in the entire town with loyal Flat Earthers. The students are now undergoing deprogramming measures and are expected to be released when they reach their mid-thirties.
Their target is not only innocent schoolchilds, but also not-so-innocent convicts at Winconsin state prison:
Over a period of several months, over half of the workers in the Wisconsin state prison system were “relocated”, their positions filled by our associates. The list of replacements includes 7 guards, 957 cafeteria workers, 3716 Pepsi machine repairmen and 14 members of the clergy. With our operatives strategically emplaced, the convicts and felons are being given a healthy dose of “pro-Flat Earth” propaganda.
Of course this website is a big fat joke. :)
But the Flat Earth Society does exist, its latest president is (the late) Charles Johnson.
It was a tragic story though.