In our correspondence article in Nature, we argued how medicine and technology must reckon with historical racism or we risk the COVID-19 vaccine worsening the pandemic disparity. We also provided our expanded arguments on Medium.
Asset-Based Design Position Paper
I highlighted how social assets that Boston communities have can support physical activity. This paper is for the Asset-Based Design workshop at CSCW 2020.
CSCW 2021 Program Committee
I joined CSCW 2021 as an associate chair for PACM HCI journal paper submissions.
Go&Grow paper accepted to CSCW
This PACM HCI journal paper evaluated a pervasive social exergame for caregivers of loved ones with dementia.
Joined Harvard University
I’m a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS) starting in Fall 2020.
Storywell paper accepted to CHI 2020
This paper investigated a storytelling-driven fitness app for low-SES families.
I’m an Associate Chair for CHI 2020 Late-Breaking Work.
dr. Fidiansjah Tentang LGBT: Salah atau Benar?
Di ILC, psikiater dr. Fidiansyah mengatakan bahwa secara ilmiah homoseksualitas adalah gangguan jiwa. Tulisan ini akan membuktikan benar salahnya ucapan dr. Fidiansyah.
Tujuh hal tentang LGBT yang sebaiknya Anda tahu
Apakah seorang homoseks atau LGBT menderita penyakit atau kelainan? Bagaimana kita menempatkan kelompok LGBT di masyarakat Indonesia?
Five Things That Prove the Terror Attack in Indonesia is a Failure
Terror group fired gunshots and explosives in downtown Jakarta, Indonesia on Thursday (01/14). Indonesian people’s fights back by taking the attention away from the terrorists.