Dari US Patent & Trademark Office:
Time based hardware button for application
A method and system are provided for extending the functionality of application buttons on a limited resource computing device. Alternative application functions are launched based on the length of time an application button is pressed. A default function for an application is launched if the button is pressed for a short, i.e., normal, period of time. An alternative function of the application is launched if the button is pressed for a long, (e.g., at least one second), period of time. Still another function can be launched if the application button is pressed multiple times within a short period of time, e.g., double click.
Selengkapnya bisa dibacara di halaman paten USPTO. Paten ini terdaftar pada tanggal 12 Juli 2002 atas nama Microsoft Corporation dan disahkan USPTO pada tanggal 27 April 2004. Apakah artinya Microsoft akan menuntut Apple, Linux, dan semua orang yang menerapkan double click?
Hal-hal seperti ini membuat paten terdengar buruk.
hahahahahahahahaha…..that’s joke in this world…
semua mau di patenkan…???
gimana sekalian aja tulisan start atau semuanya dipatenkan ????