- TOCHI Paper on Socio-cognitive Framework
My paper shows how five socio-cognitive concepts (aspirations, data exposure, stories, belongingness, and impediments) can support health behavior in personal informatics systems. TOCHI Paper on Socio-cognitive Framework
- Peer Matching CSCW Paper
My paper on peer matching and digital health storytelling in marginalized populations has been accepted to PACMHCI CSCW journal. I presented this paper at CSCW in October 2023. Download the paper here. You can also read the summary on Medium. Peer Matching CSCW Paper
- Google Research Funding
Together with Dr. Hoffman, I received funding from Google Health and Fitabase to co-design a community health storytelling technology with marginalized communities. This is a result of a digital health equity research collaboration with Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition. The news article is here. Google Research Funding
- CHI 2023 & CSCW 2023 AC
I’m an Associate Chair for CHI 2023 and CSCW 2023 papers. CHI 2023 & CSCW 2023 AC
- University of Washington CIPCT Keynote
Titled “The Sociality of Personal Health Informatics,” I discussed how health technologies can leverage positive social influences around us. University of Washington CIPCT Keynote
- CHI 2022 Paper Associate Chair
I am an Associate Chair on the Health Subcommittee for CHI 2022. CHI 2022 Paper Associate Chair
- CHI 2021 Honorable Mention
Excited to share that my StoryMap paper received an Honorable Mention (top 5% of the submissions) at CHI 2021. CHI 2021 Honorable Mention
- Op-Ed in Kompas
Sofia Kartika and I wrote a Kompas op-ed on how the Bank of Indonesia’s banknote designs portraying women as traditional dancers failed to accurately represent Indonesian women’s contribution to society. Medium post is also available to read. Op-Ed in Kompas
tadi aku juga liat
i can’t see… kabut dan sisa awan selepas hujan mengganggu pandangan mata
Iyo, aku td juga sempet lihat. Apik tnan yo
Senyuman langit membuatku gembira.
ah mana mon? ga kliatan ma aku? ‘mulut’nya itu paan mangnya? bulan?
emang bagus ya mas……
ga liat, soalnya tadi abis ujan… dan baru tau pula… :(
Kok ndilalah nge-pas tho??? Keren deh fotonya, saya nggak bisa bikin foto dengan bukaan lambat seperti itu. Sampean memang fotografer jempolan, hehe
Di sini smalam keliatan keren banget..
Sampe ada di siaran tv-nya…
Kalau ngga salah itu adalah Venus, Yupiter dan Bulan ya ?
rasi bintang baru???
Ah, sotosop!!
*inget kasus foto gerhana bulan mbak Fa*
hahaha… mas zam inget aja ;)
semalem aku juga liat yang ini, jadi bolehkah gambarnya aku culik? *semalem kok yo ndak kepikiran buat motret yah?*
eh btw, momon memang kreatip! :D
iya mas, saya juga liat tadi malam .. wah syahdu banget yah..
Ketika melihat langit malam itu, entah kenapa, saya langsung refleks untuk senyum balik.
waaa… saya juga liad lho bang momon…
Subhanallah!indah banget y!
fotonya bagus mon..
Saya juga liat, Kebetulan lagi jalan2 malem, tapi karena kamera HPnya kurang bagus jadi ga bisa
Ternyata bulan bisa tersenyum :)
beautiful shot! teladan yang sangat baik dari alam. ayo lebih sering tersenyum :)
Wah,bagus banget! kapan ya, langit tersenyum lagi kayak gitu? Mungkin kita harus lebih banyak kasih senyum dulu ke langit alias enggak ngotorin dengan polusi :)
eeh betul betul, tp hari ini udah nggak senyum lagi.
tapi masih tetep cantik
aah..aku ndak liat…
tapi untung bisa liat disini… :)
cantik banget yaa…
wah baru tau ada kayak gini. Bagus bener. Mas momon pinjem fotonya yah.
Pingback:Fenomena Bulan Tersenyum (1 Desember 2008) Adalah Salah Satu Tanda-tanda Kekuasaan Allah Bagi Mereka Yang Memahaminya « Inilah Ayat² Al Quran Yang Menerangkan (26:2)
saya juga lihat..
Senyumannya adorable. Lucu sekali.
yg pertama notice kemaren ibuku.
iya, lucu banget. membuat ceria.
indah ya, palagi klo liat langsung…saya baru tau dr blog ini. eh eh…tanya pakar telematika dulu alias Roy Suryo aah, jangan-jangan poto ini rekayasa kikikiki
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For although my dress shoes, but we burned it anyway. Played by
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The ancient tribal music captures the essence of the old Spanish ruins, which enhances the setting of
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is that has almost Four. There was one point were I was high in the mountains and off in the distance were flocks of birds flying, which looked amazing.
Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Thanks for supplying this info.
kapan peristiwa seperti ini bisa terulang lagi ya mas..