- TOCHI Paper on Socio-cognitive Framework
My paper shows how five socio-cognitive concepts (aspirations, data exposure, stories, belongingness, and impediments) can support health behavior in personal informatics systems. TOCHI Paper on Socio-cognitive Framework
- Peer Matching CSCW Paper
My paper on peer matching and digital health storytelling in marginalized populations has been accepted to PACMHCI CSCW journal. I presented this paper at CSCW in October 2023. Download the paper here. You can also read the summary on Medium. Peer Matching CSCW Paper
- Google Research Funding
Together with Dr. Hoffman, I received funding from Google Health and Fitabase to co-design a community health storytelling technology with marginalized communities. This is a result of a digital health equity research collaboration with Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition. The news article is here. Google Research Funding
- CHI 2023 & CSCW 2023 AC
I’m an Associate Chair for CHI 2023 and CSCW 2023 papers. CHI 2023 & CSCW 2023 AC
- University of Washington CIPCT Keynote
Titled “The Sociality of Personal Health Informatics,” I discussed how health technologies can leverage positive social influences around us. University of Washington CIPCT Keynote
- CHI 2022 Paper Associate Chair
I am an Associate Chair on the Health Subcommittee for CHI 2022. CHI 2022 Paper Associate Chair
- CHI 2021 Honorable Mention
Excited to share that my StoryMap paper received an Honorable Mention (top 5% of the submissions) at CHI 2021. CHI 2021 Honorable Mention
- Op-Ed in Kompas
Sofia Kartika and I wrote a Kompas op-ed on how the Bank of Indonesia’s banknote designs portraying women as traditional dancers failed to accurately represent Indonesian women’s contribution to society. Medium post is also available to read. Op-Ed in Kompas
ini yang masang mas momon sendiri mesti nih……. :mrgreen:
Cuma bisa bilang…hahaha…
Brilian banget deh, selalu bisa menemukan hal” yg unik. Salam kenal.
logo waria kayak gmana ya?
Wah, seru.. belum kena demo anti banci itu yaw…
duh, kok klik submit sih…
maksutku, sama kaya kasus bayut di filipina ya?
duh, salah meneh. maksute, nek perlakuan thdp bayut di filipina piye ya?
*sisan hetrik*
siapa crossdresser satunya?
waduh… makin kacaw dunia ini….
Kalo lagi pake baju cewek?
Humm… dilema juga ya >_<
bagus na logo gay aja x
itu contoh yg bagus, akomodatif, tapi harusnya AC/DC ya mon? ;)
Hahahaha.. itu baru namanya kreatif dan pengertian..
itu wc taman bermain anak ato taman waria jeh? kok iso WC nya buat waria juga
yg mnjd pertanyaan, kenapa momon bs ada disitu?
itu taman bermain anak waria yah?
apakah itu dibuat untuk menyambut kedatangan mas momon?? :D
Kayaknya itu gara-gara para waria sering masuk ke toilet wanita. Lalu ibu-ibu pun protes.
JASA Sedot WC; Air Kotor; Saluran mampet;Rembesan & Bikin Septictank Silahkan Segera Hubungi : YULI No. Tlp. 021-98736434 & 021-70560098
JASA Sedot WC Se JABODETABEK ; Air Kotor; Saluran mampet;Rembesan & Bikin Septictank Silahkan Segera Hubungi : YULI No. Tlp. 021-98736434 & 021-70560098
saking banyaknya waria di solo??
wah bagus banget …baru tahu :) sangat membantu saya
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