You heard that right! Few days ago, a taxi driver offered me the joy of sex-for-pay.

How’d that happened? Well, last Saturday at 9 PM, after hanging out with my friends, I went to the gym (Novotel) to do a bit of cardio exercises. After 60 minutes of fat burning excercises, I decided to go home by cab.

Maybe because I dressed like a tourist and took a cab from a hotel, the taxi driver assumes that I’m a tourist and starting his pimp mode:

Taxi Driver Look at that sexy girl (pointing to a fat & out-of-shape woman walking on the street which didn’t turn me on at all)
Me Ah..ha (trying to be polite)
Taxi Driver I know this beautiful girl…
Me Ah..ha (getting suspicious but still trying to be polite)
Taxi Driver She’s really hot, and willing to do anything…
Me Oh…. Ok, I get it, he’s trying to sell me his girls. Proactive marketing… interesting….)
Taxi Driver Too bad for a such beautiful girl she’s willing to such thing…
Me Yeah… (Okay, lets define what is a beautiful girl? Based on what I see when he was commenting on the fat lady earlier, his standard for beautiful girl is: overweight middle-aged woman wearing skimpy clothing)
Taxi Driver Just for 600 grand, you can do anything!
Oh, really? (600 grand for a fat hooker is too expensive. Beside, is she really willing to do anything?).
Taxi driver So… what are you doing in Jogja? Bussines trip?
Me Actually I live here. I was just having a quick exercise at Novotel’s Fitness Centre.
Taxi Driver Oh

Few seconds of uncomfortabe silence.

Few minutes later he started babling on how muscular he was when he was young. Then he started giving me some tips on how to sculpt your muscle and how to gain mass without protein supplements.

My sex-for-pay scandal
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7 thoughts on “My sex-for-pay scandal

  • February 21, 2005 at 4:04 pm

    Once, I have a similar experience, thank God it wasn’t about protitution.

    Once when I was in Jakarta, a taxi driver mispercept me as a young executive. haha, pretty funny, maybe it’s because I brougth a traveller case and coming out from an under construction building. yeah, he thought it was my unfinished property :p

    I really hope so, I’m dreaming to be .. Oh shit, to good to be true :p

  • February 21, 2005 at 5:58 pm

    Sorry for being a little bit out of topic. Mmm.. the cab you were riding, did it use the argo (fare-meter?) or did you have to bargain with the taxi driver?

    By the way, your story was so funny, i just cant imagine the cab driver’s face during those few minutes of silence you said. Was he pretending to be ‘just cool’? Or did he show some gestures of shyness? :D And did you tell him that you’re still a student :)) ??

  • February 22, 2005 at 11:10 am

    tapi dia masih cewek normal kan?….have u ever imagine…if there’s other TAMANLAWANG in Jogja……

  • January 20, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    Hi, was researching pay-for-sex issue, when stumbling onto your blog. Your story was quit funny. On the brighter side, the cab driver offered you a girl, not a guy, as one of my friends experienced!

    Greetings from Scotland :)

  • September 23, 2010 at 4:35 am

    No way , I by no means readed some thing good like this !?! This was a straight article without any empty words inside! Thank you once more!

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